This story was originally published by Global Press Journal. Story By Linda Mujuru, Global Press Journal…
Community DevelopmentMaternal Health IssuesUncategorizedWomen and HealthWomen's Rights
Women rescues abandoned two-week-old baby from pit
1,880 viewsSTORY BY SANDRA CHIBAYA A TWO-WEEK-OLD BABY BOY was found abandoned in a gravel pit by…
Community DevelopmentUncategorizedWomen's Health
St Peter’s women speak on COVID-19 rumours and their impact on sexual health choices.
2,032 viewsBy Sandra Chibaya. Women in the marginalized communities of Bulawayo are mostly affected by disinformation and…
Community DevelopmentUncategorizedWomen's Health
Women Living on the Streets Speak on the Effects of COVID-19 Rumours
1,770 viewsBy Sandra Chibaya. Women living on the streets of Bulawayo were mostly affected by the circulation…
Community DevelopmentUncategorizedWomen and HealthWomen's Health
Ngozi Mine Women Share Impact of Covid-19 Rumors on Their Sexual Health Choices
1,650 viewsBy Marvellous Matswimbo The Covid-19 pandemic hit hard on women in Ngozi Mine, a squatter camp…
Women's Health
Women in marginalized communities most affected by misinformation disorders
3,146 viewsThe Covid-19 era has been characterized by misinformation and disinformation on the effects of the vaccine…
Community DevelopmentWomen and HealthWomen in Agriculture
Masotsheni Green Field Garden “An Oasis of Life” for Women Residents in Emganwini
1,749 viewsBy Sandra Chibaya @chibaya_sandra The lives of Masotsheni residents in Emgamwini, Bulawayo Province are being transformed…