This story was originally published by Global Press Journal. Story By Linda Mujuru, Global Press Journal…
Women and Health
In Zimbabwe’s many bustling city streets and communities, a silent killer lurks in the shadows, claiming…
Women and HealthWomen's Health
Keep Girls in School to Reduce Their Vulnerability to HIV Infection – UNAIDS
1,679 viewsBy Takudzwa Josiah UNAIDS says Gender inequality remains a major driver of the AIDS epidemic in…
Community DevelopmentMaternal Health IssuesUncategorizedWomen and HealthWomen's Rights
Women rescues abandoned two-week-old baby from pit
1,848 viewsSTORY BY SANDRA CHIBAYA A TWO-WEEK-OLD BABY BOY was found abandoned in a gravel pit by…
Community DevelopmentUncategorizedWomen and HealthWomen's Health
Sidojiwe Women Engaged on the Facts of COVID-19
1,608 viewsBy Marvellous Matswimbo Women in marginalized communities of Bulawayo were mostly affected by misinformation and disinformation…
Community DevelopmentUncategorizedWomen and HealthWomen's Health
Ngozi Mine Women Share Impact of Covid-19 Rumors on Their Sexual Health Choices
1,611 viewsBy Marvellous Matswimbo The Covid-19 pandemic hit hard on women in Ngozi Mine, a squatter camp…
Community DevelopmentWomen and HealthWomen in Agriculture
Masotsheni Green Field Garden “An Oasis of Life” for Women Residents in Emganwini
1,696 viewsBy Sandra Chibaya @chibaya_sandra The lives of Masotsheni residents in Emgamwini, Bulawayo Province are being transformed…