By Marvellous Matswimbo
Women in marginalized communities of Bulawayo were mostly affected by misinformation and disinformation on Covid-19 related issues versus their sexual reproductive health.
The fast spread of rumours in such areas compelled some women to make uninformed decisions on whether to get the Covid-19 vaccine.
Sidojiwe women in Bulawayo highlighted some of the rumours that escalated during the pandemic time on the implications of the vaccine on their sexual reproductive health.
Perfect Sibanda said that she did not go for vaccination because of the rumours that were circulating about the vaccine.
“I didn’t get vaccinated because people were saying a lot of negative things about the vaccine, some were saying that if you get vaccinated your body will be swollen, and then you will die after some time”, said Sibanda
“The other issue that prevented me from being vaccinated was that people become infertile after getting vaccinated hence l told myself that l wasn’t going to get vaccinated”, she added.

Promise Moyo said women didn’t have enough information on the vaccine but they got vaccinated because of the restrictions that were now being put in place for the unvaccinated
“I didn’t know much about the vaccine but l got vaccinated because it was being said that those who are not vaccinated won’t be able to board buses to town or even buy from the shops”, said Moyo
She added: “I also wanted to protect my kids because l heard that after getting vaccinated you will die but you won’t spread the virus, so l wanted my kids to be safe even if l was going to die.”
Sizalobuhle Ncube, a health expert urged women in Sidojiwe to get vaccinated as the vaccines are effective in preventing the spread of the virus.
“Covid-19 vaccines are effective just like any other vaccines that we have been getting in childhood, this vaccine has been approved by health experts and it’s safe for all of us”, said Ncube
Miriam Makuvire said she got all three doses of the vaccine and nothing happened to her.
“I got all my doses for the vaccine and l didn’t see any side effects, so l can confirm that the vaccine is safe”, said Makuvire