By Marvellous Matswimbo The Covid-19 pandemic hit hard on women in Ngozi Mine, a squatter camp…
Women's Health
Women in marginalized communities most affected by misinformation disorders
3,339 viewsThe Covid-19 era has been characterized by misinformation and disinformation on the effects of the vaccine…
Community DevelopmentWomen and HealthWomen in Agriculture
Masotsheni Green Field Garden “An Oasis of Life” for Women Residents in Emganwini
1,876 viewsBy Sandra Chibaya @chibaya_sandra The lives of Masotsheni residents in Emgamwini, Bulawayo Province are being transformed…
UncategorizedWomen in PoliticsWomen's HealthWomen's Rights
Luveve Women Residents Celebrate the Drilling of More Water Sources
1,711 viewsBy Loveness Nyathi @lovie1988 LUVEVE residents got blessed once again with safer water as one of…
Women who’ve lost newborns or miscarried must not be placed in the same wards as new…
By Fiona Mpofu The Zimbabwe Women’s Bank has been urged to provide its services impartially and…
By Fiona Mpofu (Umthaphi) Covid-19 is one of the slowing down factors in the mentoring of…
By Takudzwa Josiah Police in Zvishavane has arrested a 21-year-old man in connection with a spate…
A United Kingdom-based organization has extended a helping hand to Elvis Nyathi’s widow. Qoki ZiNdlovukazi Community…
Community DevelopmentLocal Government
Government To issue National Registration Documents For Free
1,538 viewsThe Ministry of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage has announced that it has scrapped fees for…