Like countless women in Zimbabwe, MaZulu (65) of Barbourfields Township in Bulawayo looks forward to the rainy season every year.
Her family (grandchildren sent over by her 3 children in SA) depend on the food she produces from 3 pieces of land. The other two gardens are in Entumbane and another near the United College of Education (UCE). On them she produces staple foods like maize cobs and sweet potatoes.

Women are the mainstay of urban farming in Zimbabwe. Many do it as a lifeline given the high cost of living in urban areas. Some of the produce is used as food supplements, some of it is sold for quick cash. Often some of the maize will be destroyed by City Council officials when it is found in undesignated spots.
Can you recall your family taking part in any urban farming to supplement your food stores? What were your most common products? Share with us your #urbanfarming experience. #Womeninfarming #womensvoices #herplatformherstoryhervoice