A TWO-WEEK-OLD BABY BOY was found abandoned in a gravel pit by a passer-by in Pumula South on Sunday morning.
The infant who was only clothed in a disposable diper was stuffed inside the disposable dipers plastic packaging.
Silibeni Moyo (35), who braved the incident and rescued the baby says she was on her way to church when her attention was drawn to the area where the baby had been left.
Upon rescue, the infant had ants crawling all over his body and his left eye was swollen suspectedly from the ant bites.
Moyo gave the following account of what happened that day.
“I was on my way to church when I saw a young woman alone in the bush close to the gravel pit. A woman there called me and said there was a baby crying close by. We called others but they suggested we call the police first before taking any action.
I told them that I can’t wait for a second, in-case the child dies while we await the police. I took a stand and had to put the law into my hands in order to save a soul. I then asked the people who had gathered around, to help me get the child out of the pit, but they refused saying they were afraid.
One of the men agreed to help me, but insisted that I lead the way. I went into the pit and saw a baby’s hand protruding out of a Huggies packaging, with ants crawling all over his hand.
I pulled out the plastic bag, untied it and found a little baby wearing a pamper with his face covered in ants. I wrapped the baby with my church cloth, and noticed that his right side was swollen including the eye.
The young men who were around called for transport and we were immediately rushed to Pumula South Police Station. Upon arrival l narrated the whole story to the police who took a statement and called an ambulance.
We went to Mpilo Hospital where I left the baby in the hands of the nurses.’’
Though still in shock, Moyo stated that she is happy that she saved a life and even gave the baby a name – ANDILE VICTOR.
Cases of baby abandonment are on the increase due to suspected psychological issues and economic hardships faced by the perpetrators. Last month, a women asked a fellow passenger to temporarily hold her baby as she wanted to step outside for a quick errand, that was the last time the women was seen, leaving a minor in the hands of the stranger.
Two days ago (14th of November) a newborn baby boy was dumped on a basketball pitch in Bulawayo’s Matshobana high density suburb. The infant had no clothes but was wrapped in a blanket while his umbilical cord was still untreated.
In a police statement, assistant Inspector Nomalanga Msebele confirmed this and another incident of baby abandonment, inviting members of the public to assist with any information on the whereabouts of the mother of the infant to report at any nearest police station.
“We are urging members of the public to accept realities that might have befallen them and seek assistance from elders.” read part of the police statement.